“BIPV meets History” Project


Please notice that, since the main project language is Italian, most reports are in Italian only.


WP1 – Management


Non-public data



WP2 – Communication


2.1. Digital and media tasks

a) Newsletters

  1. Newsletter 1 – 20/05/2020
  2. Newsletter 2 – 15/06/2020
  3. Newsletter 3 – 16/07/2020
  4. Newsletter 4 – 17/09/2020
  5. Newsletter 5 – 19/10/2020
  6. Newsletter 6 – 10/12/2020
  7. Newsletter 7 – 18/01/2021
  8. Newsletter 8 – 15/03/2021
  9. Newsletter 9 – 17/05/2021
  10. Newsletter 10 – 15/07/2021
  11. Newsletter 11 – 15/09/2021
  12. Newsletter 12 – 15/11/2021
  13. Newsletter 13 – 15/01/2022
  14. Newsletter 14 – 15/03/2022
  15. Newsletter 15 – 15/05/2022
  16. Newsletter 16 – 18/07/2022
  17. Newsletter 17 – 22/08/2022
  18. Newsletter 18 – 23/01/2023

b) Press releases

  1. Project Kick-off (marzo 2018 / https://solarchitecture.ch/)
  2. Annuccio evento Solaris #03 (giugno 2019 / https://www.osservatore.ch/supsi-energia-solare-e-architettura_10622.html)
  3. L’involucro solare, tra alterazione e coesistenza nell’equilibrio dei luoghi (giugno 2019 / https://www.supsi.ch/home/comunica/area-stampa/comunicati-stampa/2019/2019-06-07.html )
  4. Annuncio Infoday (dicembre 2019 Comunicato-stampa.pdf (bipvmeetshistory.eu)
  5. Annucio Premio per l’Architettura Solare(aprile 2020 / https://www.bipvmeetshistory.eu/premio-per-larchitettura/
  6. Risanare in modo efficiente (ottobre 2020 / https://www.supsi.ch/isaac/eventi-comunicazioni/comunicati-stampa/2020/2020-10-20.html
  7. La SUPSI supporta il Pacchettoambiente (ottobre 2020 / https://www.osservatore.ch/la-supsi-supporta-il-pacchetto-ambiente-parte-energia-e-clima_37645.html )
  8. Cerimonia di consegna Premi Nazionali per l’Architettura (dicembre 2020 / inarch.it)
  9. Comunicato Convegno Finale (luglio 2022) Comunicato-stampa.pdf (bipvmeetshistory.eu)


2.2. Public events

a) Infoday

b) Final conference

c) Multiplier events

  1. Heat Pump Forum – 15-16/05/2019
  2. Solar Update Svizzera italiana – 24/05/2019
  3. Tavolo di lavoro al Museo di Scienze Naturali dell’Alto Adige – 02/07/2019
  4. Salone Internazionale del Restauro – 18/09/2019
  5. Giornate della Cooperazione Europea – 26/09/2019
  6. Energia e immobili – 24/10/2019
  7. II Workshop del Progetto Europeo “PV Impact” – 16/12/2019
  8. Fiera Klimahouse – 22/01/2020
  9. III Workshop del Progetto Europeo “PV Impact” – 26/05/2020
  10. Team Building in Valle Aurina – 14/09/2020
  11. REHABEND 2020 – 28/09/2020
  12. Florence Heritec 2020 – 15-16/10/2020
  13. Incontro formativo aziende e professionisti – 12/12/2020
  14. Conferenza “SBE21 Sustainable Built Heritage” – 14-16/04/2021
  15. IV Workshop del Progetto Europeo “PV Impact” – 04/05/2021
  16. Corso di formazione post-lauream: “Nuova programmazione comunitaria” – 22/06/2021
  17. Conferenza “Architettura solare e patrimonio culturale” – 14/07/2021 – EURAC
  18. 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PV SEC 2021) – 06-10/09/2021 – EURAC
  19. Cerimonia premiazione “Architettura solare in contesti di pregio” – 15/09/2021 – EURAC
  20. Convegno Sustainability in Energy and Buildings – 17/09/2021 – EURAC
  21. Forum “Qual’Energia” – 26/11/2021 – EURAC
  22. SuHRF Symposium 2021 con Uppsala University – 01/12/2021 – EURAC
  23. Convegno “Processi di transizione verde e innovazione tecnologica per l’integrazione del fotovoltaico in architettura” – 15/12/2021 – EURAC & SUPSI
  24. Florence Heritech 2022 – 16-19/05/2022 – EURAC
  25. Green Med Forum, Firenze – 20-22/07/2022 – EURAC
  26. PV SEC, Milano – 26-30/09/2022 – EURAC


2.3. Project presentation and promotional material

a) Flyer

b) Conference and Journal papers

Access the full list here

c) Knowledge transfer articles

  1. Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) – products database (Maggio 2019, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  2. Building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) as a viable option among renewables (Maggio 2019, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  3. Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings: A State of the Art  (Ottobre 2019, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  4. Historic Building Energy Retrofit Atlas: a new database for exemplary energy efficient renovation of historic buildings  (Ottobre 2019, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  5. Tools for photovoltaics in buildings  (Novembre 2019, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  6. Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) in Heritage Buildings  (IEA SHC Solar Update Newsletter-Issue70-December 2019, inglese)
  7. BIPV meets History project (Febbraio 2020, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  8. Insulating historic buildings: approaches and materials  (Febbraio 2020, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  9. Expert Talks – Laura Maturi, Senior Researcher at Eurac research  (Aprile 2020, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  10. BIPV Meets History, integrazione di impianti fotovoltaici in contesti storico-tradizionali  (Luglio 2020, Casa e Clima Portal)
  11. Premi IN/Architettura 2020, uno sguardo oltre la crisi  (Agosto 2020, One Listone Giordano Portal)
  12. Fotovoltaico integrato negli edifici, a che punto è la ricerca  (Dicembre 2020, InfobuildEnergia Portale)
  13. Pacchetto Ambiente: soluzioni prattiche e tecniche per ri-costruire una società rinnovabile, sostenibile, futuribile  (Febbraio 2020, Tutto Green magazine, pag. 77)
  14. Il Castello di Doragno  (Aprile 2020, Archi Rivista svizzera di architettura, ingegneria e urbanistica)
  15. Risanamento energetico del patrimonio storico  (Agosto 2020, Archi Rivista svizzera di architettura, ingegneria e urbanistica)
  16. BIPV in dialogue with history  (Novembre 2020, BIPV Status Report 2020 “Building Integrated Pho­tovoltaics: A practical handbook for solar buildings’ stakeholders”)
  17. Evolution of BIPV in 40 years: architecture, technology & costs  (Novembre 2020, BIPV Status Report 2020 “Building Integrated Pho­tovoltaics: A practical handbook for solar buildings’ stakeholders”)
  18. BIPV Technologies and market overview  (Aprile 2021, Build Up Portal, inglese)
  19. Architettura solare e patrimonio culturale (Settembre 2021, InfoBuildEnergia, italiano)
  20. Articolo di trasferimento tecnologico: Legislazione su fotovoltaico e aree vincolate (Maggio 2022, Wurt news)


2.4. Training

a) Higher education – SUPSI 

The module “Designing solar architecture” was organized by SUPSI in the Bachelor of Arts in Architecture to train on integrated design culture for sustainable and energy efficiency in buildings.

b) Continuous Professional Development

Continuous professional development  – EURAC

The workshop “Integration of photovoltaic systems in heritage contexts. Innovative technologies and design principles” organized by Eurac Research and the University of Catania on 5-12 July 2021 in Catania. The workshop combined frontal lectures and design activities on the integration of photovoltaic systems in heritage contexts.

Continuous professional development – SUPSI

Continuous professional development – REGIONE LOMBARDIA



WP3 – BIPV potential and development drivers


3.1. Analysis procedures and of the planning permission process

Legislation and authoritative process

Identification barriers for the adoption of BIPV in heritage context

3.2. Analysis of the solar building stock potential

a) Comparison between solar mapping and solar potential analysis tools

This report presents an analysis of the available tools to map the solar renewable potential.

b) Analysis of the solar potential of the cross-border area Italy and Switzerland

The document identifies recurring building and material types, criteria of intervention and the barriers to the urban, architectural, typological and normative integration of the BIPV in the built environment, in order to analyse the solar potential of the cooperation area.


3.3. Creazione di una rete di competenza sul BIPV

a) Stakeholders’ map

The map provides with location and contact information of BIPV main stakeholders. It aims at offering knowledge, collaboration and networking opportunities to the users.

b) IndustryApero

c) Briefing sessions

  • Swiss events
  1. Planning BIPV in a historic building (in Italian)
  2. Building fabric (in Italian)
  3. Deep renovation of a historic building (in Italian)
  • Italian events 
  1. Photovoltaic legislation in heritage contexts: discussion with Heritage Authorities (in Italian)
  2. Photovoltaic legislation in heritage contexts: discussion with local authorities (in Italian)
  3. Photovoltaic legislation in heritage contexts: discussion with designers (in Italian)
  4. Innovative technologies and design principles of BIPV systems in heritage contexts (in Italian)

d) International workshops

e) Summary of the results


3.4. Barriers, opportunities and drivers of BIPV

Analysis of barriers, potentials and drivers for improving competitiveness 

The document identifies the barriers and potential for the diffusion of integrated photovoltaics in the cross-border area, in order to identify the drivers and positive effects for sustainable territorial development, the creation of new job and growth opportunities and the increase of competitiveness of the sector’s MPMIs



WP4 – Promotion Of BIPV Innovation


4.1. BIPV innovation and case studies

a) Italian digital platform

The platform describes in details the most significant case studies of solar architecture in valued context.

  • Preliminary document – Award migliori casi di studio e aziende
  • Preliminary document – Examination “Individuazione di casi studio esemplari a livello di soluzioni progettuali, di buone pratiche dal punto di vista procedurale ed attuativo” – based on some case studies in Italy and abroad.

b) Swiss digital platform

Platform of the project partner SUPSI. It aims to promote the construction of solar buildings by transferring the focus from technology to architecture.

  • Report: Exemplary case studies. Models of technological solutions for BIPV active envelope system in Switzerland. Guiding criteria and methods of intervention.
  • Technical data sheets: Guiding criteria and intervention methods related to BIPV case studies and technological solutions in Switzerland

c) Award ‘best applications of BIPV’

This report presents the whole process of defining, selecting and assessing the best case studies of solar architecture in heritage contexts.

d) Study tours

  • Italian study tours
    1. Case study “Fondazione Radicepura”  –  news and flyer
    2. Laboratorio “Solare PV Lab”     –  news and flyer
    3. “Glass to Power” Company     –  news and flyer
    4. Case study “Cantina Mori Colli Zugna” – news and flyer
    5. Case study “Cantina Vivallis” – news and flyer 
    6. Case studies in Rome: “Palazzo Leonori e Museo Explora, Città dell’Altra Economia all’ex Mattatoio di Testaccio e Uffici Ghella, Copertura della Sala Nervi in Vaticano” – news
    7. Case study “Serre Torrigiani”
    8. Case studies in Turin: “Grattacielo Intesa San Paolo e Stazione Torino Porta Susa” – news and flyer
    9. “Solbian” Company 
    10. “3S” Company
    11. Case study in the Berna region
    12. SolarLab” Company
    13. Case study on Como Lakeflyer 
    • Swiss study tours 
  1. Case study “Palazzo Positivo Gasser” and “Edificio DeltaROSSO”
  2. “Sunage” Company


4.2. Models of technological solutions

a) Models of technological solutions for active envelope system

The project platform collects the products and technical solutions for the BIPV envelope system.


4.3. Guidelines and intervention methods

a) Guidelines for photovoltaic integration

b) Minimum environmental criteria for Green Public Procurement (GPP)

Guidelines for the integration of photovoltaic systems in prestigious historical and landscape settings



WP5 – Business Models and Financial Mechanisms


5.1. Analysis of good practices and barriers in economic models

Evaluation of business models and the economic impact of aesthetic integration

The document analyses the regulatory context that defines the minimum principles and constraints for integrating renewable sources in buildings that exist in sensitive and / or protected contexts, clarifying the provisions on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources


5.2. Guidelines for the development of sustainable business models

Guidelines for the development of sustainable business models

The document identifies the main risks related to BIPV during the various project phases in order to assess their impact on the useful life of the project and its economic sustainability.


“BIPV meets History – IV Avviso” Project

Activity 1 – Training on photovoltaics in heritage contexts

Outcome 1.1 – Professional training

  1. Il nuovo incontra lo storico – 16.09.2023, Stelvio (BZ) – flyer
  2. Fotovoltaico e patrimonio edilizio: esperienze, approcci e sfide – 27.10.2023, Bolzano – flyer

Outcome 1.2 – Graduation thesis

  1. Master’s thesis in collaboration with the Department of Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR) of the University of Catania


Activity 2 – Collection and dissemination of solar architecture

Outcome 2.1 – “Architettura solare in contesti di pregio” Award

The Award aims to promote the value of an architectural work built in a heritage cross-border context, that employs a photovoltaic system integrated into the building or landscape:

Outcome 2.2 – Seminars on solar architecture

  1. Il fotovoltaico e la riqualificazione paesaggistica – 02.11.2022, online
  2. Best practice from the historic building energy retrofit “Atlas” to exemplify the BiPV Meets History Guidelines – 20.09.2023, Bari


Activity 3 – Project internationalization

Outcome 3.1 – International publication

A special issue was launched, collecting scientific publications relevant to the project topic: “Integration of Active Solar Technologies in the Historic Built Environment and Landscapes” (Buildings – MDPI).

A scientific article was published, concerning the social acceptance of photovoltaic in heritage contexts: “Social acceptance of photovoltaic systems in heritage buildings and landscapes: Exploring barriers, benefits, drivers, and challenges for technical stakeholders in northern Italy” (Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments – Elsevier).

Outcome 3.2 – International webinar

Integration of photovoltaics in cultural heritage buildings – within the framework of the “Conservation and environmental sustainability of vernacular architecture” MOOC, implemented by Cyprus Univerity within the ErasmusPlus Project “SMART Rehabilitation 3.0”


Activity 4 – Capitalization of project results

Outcome 4.1 – Identification of barriers and potential of photovoltaics in the current scenario

Identificazione delle variazioni nelle barriere di processo alla diffusione del BIPV nel territorio di cooperazione dello scenario post-pandemico e crisi energetica

Outcome 4.2 – Mapping the solar potential of traditional architecture

Mappatura solare e potenziale territoriale: parte 2

GIS Map: BIPV meets History – Mappatura del potenziale solare nell’area di progetto (Como)


Activity 5 – Management and communication of new project activities

Outcome 5.1 – Management

Non-public data

Outcome 5.2 – Communication

a) Newsletters

  1. Newsletter 19 – 14/07/2023
  2. Newsletter 20 – 07/12/2023

b) Knowledge transfer articles and news

  1. Architettura solare in contesti di pregio: premio per l’eccellenza nel risanamento energetico (BUILD UP)
  2. Una giornata illuminante a Stelvio con il fotovoltaico integrato (BUILD UP)
  3. Fotovoltaico: l’integrazione estetica influisce sulla redditività economica degli impianti BIPV? (INGENIO)
  4. Fotovoltaico, ecco come integrarlo in un contesto vincolato (Edilportale)